QZ Health Insurance Agency LLC
P.O. Box 851351
Richardson, TX 75085
Phone: 214-497-3402
Fax: 469 547-2540
E-mail: QZhealth@QZhealth.com
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Group health insurance is employer-sponsored health coverage for business owners, employees and often for dependents.
The majority of Americans have group health coverage through their own or a family member's employer-sponsored group plan. Employers and employees can share costs and there are special tax incentives available to businesses that provide group health insurance.
How Does it Work?
As an employer, you select a group health insurance plan and then invite your employees to enroll.
Typically, employers cover at least 50% of each employee's monthly premium, and can also contribute to dependent premium. The remainder is paid for by the employee.
Should I Offer Health Insurance?
If you want to provide health insurance benefits and you're able to contribute toward employee premiums, group health insurance is the way to go.
Offering group health insurance can help you hire and retain the best workers, and the amount you pay toward employeepremiums may be tax-deductible. Since no one can be turned down based on medical history, group coverage also protects workers or family members who might otherwise go uninsured.
What if I Can't Afford to Contribute to a Group Plan?
If you want to your employees to have coverage, but cannot afford to contribute, then individual policies are your best option. Contact us for a consultation to determine the best approach to coverage for your business.
What if My Employees Cannot Afford to Cover Their Dependents?
The best solution is to have the employee covered on the group plan and look at individual plan options for any dependents. This typically will lower the over-all cost of coverage.
How Do I Get Started?
Contact QZ Health Insurance for your no hassle, no obligation quote.